Top 20 Eco-Friendly Pest Control Methods

Natural pest control methods

There are many reasons why we should care about our environment. First, we’ve got to protect our planet from pollution, climate change, and overpopulation. But the most important reason is that we live on Earth, and we owe it to ourselves to do everything we can to preserve its beauty.

In this article, I will share 20 eco-friendly pest control products and methods to help you save the world while ensuring your home stays safe. So ditch your chemical pesticides and go for natural pesticides.

If you’re looking for a way to protect yourself from chemical pesticides while still killing pests, read on. It’s not as scary as you might think!

Cedar oil to repel insects

Cedar oil is a natural product that’s been around since ancient times. It’s made from the wood of the juniper tree, and it contains chemicals called terpenes that give it its distinctive smell. Terpenes are responsible for giving plants their scent, and they’re also known to repel insects. So, when you apply cedar oil to your skin, it absorbs into the surface of your skin and creates a barrier against bugs. It doesn’t harm humans, either, so it’s safe to use on yourself and your family members.

Get rid of fleas with vinegar or lemon juice

Fleas are annoying pests that live off blood and cause skin irritation. There are many ways to get rid of fleas naturally, such as using baking soda and vinegar or applying lemon juice to your pet’s coat. However, these methods aren’t always safe for pets and may not kill all fleas. A safer option is to use a product like Frontline Plus, which contains pyrethrin and permethrin insecticides. These two ingredients are known to be highly effective against fleas.

Use rat traps

Rat traps are designed to kill rats without harming humans. They’re made of metal and plastic and contain a poison that kills rodents within seconds. While these traps are great for killing rats, they aren’t safe for children or pets. Children should never play with rat traps, and pet owners shouldn’t let their animals near them. Rattraps are much safer alternatives to rat traps. These devices look like typical live traps, but they’re designed to only harm rats. They’re made of wood, wire, and rubber and contain a substance called strychnine that causes death by paralysis. Unlike rat traps, rattraps are safe for kids and pets. They’re also easy to set up and remove and don’t require any maintenance.

Solar power for pest control

Solar-powered pest control equipment can keep pests away from crops and gardens. These devices are designed to run off of energy generated by sunlight. This eliminates the need for electricity, which is excellent news for anyone living in areas without access to reliable electrical service. Many different models are available, ranging from small handheld units to large systems covering acres of land. Some of these devices are specifically designed to kill insects, while others are meant to repel them. Either way, they’re an excellent option for property owners who want to protect their property against unwanted visitors.

Sticky boards for insects

Sticky boards are great for keeping track of bugs and pests. Insects tend to stick to surfaces, so they congregate around certain areas. By placing sticky boards throughout your home, you can keep track of where these pests are hiding and take action accordingly. Sticky boards are beneficial for controlling cockroaches, ants, spiders, and other household pests. They’re also helpful for monitoring bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.

Avoid insect sprays

Insects are pests, and they cause damage to homes and businesses. There are many ways to keep insects away from your home or office, but the best method is prevention. One of the easiest ways to prevent bugs from entering your home is to avoid using insecticides. These chemicals kill beneficial insects like bees and butterflies and can harm humans and pets. Instead, try natural methods such as sealing cracks around windows and doors, keeping plants outside, and installing screens on windows and doors. Another option is to hire a professional exterminator to rid your home of unwanted pests.

DIY your sticky trap

Sticky traps catch pests like spiders, ants, cockroaches, and silverfish. These traps are easy to set up and inexpensive to make. All you need is a piece of paper, tape, and glue. Once you’ve got everything ready, put the form on the floor and stick it to the wall. Then, cut off any excess paper around the edges. Now, add a little bit of glue to the middle of the paper and press it against the wall. Let the glue dry completely, and you should be able to see the outline of the piece stuck to the wall. Now, you can hang whatever you’d like above the trap. For example, you could turn a picture, a plant, or anything else that attracts insects. Afterward, remove the paper and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Frozen woolens for pest control

Keeping woolens in your freezer helps in pest control because it keeps insects like moths and beetles away. Insects love warm temperatures, so freezing your woolens prevents them from breeding. Also, storing woolen in your freezer will prevent mold growth, which could cause health problems. Mold spores are everywhere, and they thrive in warmer environments. Keeping your woolen cold can reduce the risk of getting sick from these spores.

Use soap and water as pest control

Soap water is a natural insecticide that kills insects without harming humans or pets. Unfortunately, ants are attracted to the smell of soap, so when you spray your home with soap water, the ants will follow the scent and die. This method works best against ants that live inside homes, such as carpenter ants, black ants, and fire ants. However, it doesn’t kill your home’s cockroaches, spiders, or other types of pests. To keep these pests away, you should call a professional exterminator.

Beer to banish slugs

Using beer to kill slugs is a great idea! Slugs love beer, and they hate it. So when you pour a few glasses down the drain, you’re killing two birds with one stone. Not only are you getting rid of the slugs, but you’re also keeping your drains clean. And since slugs like to hide under sinks and behind toilets, having a transparent drain system is crucial to preventing pests from entering your home.

Eggshells for snails

Eggshells for snails are a natural product that keeps most pests away from plants. This is because it contains calcium carbonate, which naturally occurs in snail shells. Snail shells are made of calcium carbonate, so you release the same substance that keeps pests away when you crush the shell. This is why eggshells for snails work to repel insects like slugs and snails. It also works to protect plants against disease and insect infestation.

Basil is good for keeping flies away

Basil is known for its ability to repel insects, especially flies. While it may seem strange, it’s been proven that certain plants can keep pests away. According to the University of California, Berkeley, basil is one of the best herbs for repelling flies. It contains chemicals called thymol and carvacrol, responsible for keeping bugs away. However, you should only apply basil oil to areas that aren’t exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, it could dry out and lose its effectiveness.

Baking soda for ant infestation

Baking soda is a natural product that works great at getting rid of ants. All you have to do is sprinkle some baking soda around the base of the nest and let it sit overnight. Then, remove the nest and dispose of it properly. Of course, it would help if you never tried to kill ants yourself; they’re beneficial insects that keep our homes clean. However, contact a pest control professional immediately if you see any signs of infestation.

Spiders hate citrus

Citrus fruits contain citric acid, which is known to kill insects such as ants, cockroaches, and spiders. To keep these pests away, you should put lemon peels around your house, especially near windows and doors. You can also sprinkle lemon juice around your home to deter bugs. Another option is to spray lemon oil around your house. Lemon oil is safe for humans and pets and works excellent against mosquitoes, flies, and fleas.

Play a prank on wasps

Wasps are attracted to sweet foods like honey and sugar water. So, if you want to attract wasps away from their hive, you should offer them something sweet. The good idea is to put a bowl of sugary water near the nest entrance. Then, you can distract them with another food source nearby once the wasps arrive. Another option is to spray the area around the nest with vinegar and water. This will cause the wasps to fly off disgustingly, leaving the nest alone.

Combat Mosquitoes the natural way

Traps are one of the best methods used to kill mosquitoes. These traps attract mosquitoes and trap them inside a container. Once trapped, the mosquitoes die. These traps are usually placed near standing bodies of water. They are effective against adult female mosquitoes. Adult male mosquitoes are attracted to lights and cannot enter traps. However, surprises are ineffective against larvae. Larvae hatch from eggs laid by adult females. If larvae are present, they will continue to grow until adulthood.

Use electronic fences for slugs

Electronic slug fences are great for keeping pests away from plants and gardens. These devices are designed to emit ultrasonic waves that repel slugs and snails. There are two different kinds of electronic slug fences available. One type uses a high-frequency sound wave that travels around the garden and bounces off objects like walls and trees. The second kind emits low-frequency sounds that travel straight down. Both types of electronic slug fences are easy to install and maintain. However, they require a lot of maintenance to keep working correctly. A good rule of thumb is to check the device once per week and clean any debris that may interfere with the signal.

Put seasonings on your window sill

If you put garlic cloves around your house, you may notice fewer bugs flying around. Garlic is known for repelling insects, especially flies. To keep pests away, try sprinkling crushed garlic cloves around your windowsills, doorways, and entry points. You can also sprinkle dried basil leaves around your kitchen countertops, near your stovetop, and under your sink. Basil is another excellent insect repellent. Try mixing equal parts of fresh basil and cayenne pepper. Sprinkle this mixture around your house and let it sit overnight. Then vacuum it up the following day.

Clean with essential oils

Essential oils are natural plant extracts that contain volatile compounds called terpenes. These compounds give essential oils their distinctive smells. Some essential oils are known to repel insects, while others kill common pests outright. There are many ways to use essential oils for pest control, such as spraying them onto plants, mixing them into homemade insect repellents, and diffusing them throughout the home. However, there are certain precautions you should take when using essential oils for pest control. First, never apply essential oil directly to food or drink. Second, avoid applying essential oils to children and pets. Third, keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. Fourth, wear gloves when handling essential oils. Finally, always test any mixture you plan to use on yourself before using it on anything else.

Use food composite for pest control

Food waste is an excellent source of nutrients for plants and can be used to repel insects and rodents. There are many ways to use food waste to keep pests from your garden. One method is to compost it, and another is to feed it to animals like chickens and rabbits. Another option is to put it in a bucket outside and let birds eat it. Birds love to eat fruit and vegetables, and they’ll take care of any bugs that may try to sneak inside your home.


In conclusion, if you have pests in your home, which cause considerable damage, you should consider using Eco-friendly pest control methods. They’re safe for humans, pets, and the environment and won’t harm beneficial insects like bees or butterflies. They can also prevent property damage. Plus, they’re much cheaper than traditional chemical treatments. You may also look for pest control services guided by the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) for their pest control treatments.